Dr. Alshuth participated in several oceanographic and ichthyological research expeditions on research vessels of the Marine Biological Research Station Helgoland in the German North Sea onboard the RV UTHÖRN - as Chief Scientist and RV FRIEDRICH HEINCKE. Her oceanographic research associated with: Reproduction and Recruitment of the sprat, Sprattus sprattus, in the North Sea Project. Funded by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungs Gemeinschaft) as part of the IREP (International Recruitment Project), as part of the Ocean Science and Living Resources Program of IOC (Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission) and FAO. Research focused on various trends of global change (i.e. accumulation of atmospheric greenhouse gases and other anthropogenic effects such as pollution, harmful algae blooms, overfishing, coastal development) may have major effects on marine ecosystems and the living resources that they contain. Publication related to these expeditions include:

Alshuth, S. 1988.  Rare catch:  The spiny sunstar Crossaster papposus. (German – Text and Photography). kosmos 5, 56.

Click on any picture below to start slide show.

RV HEINCKE operating at the Marine Biological Research Station at 
Helgoland Island
RV HEINCKE operating at the Marine Biological Research Station at
Helgoland Island
Fisheries research  project expedition chart. Drawing by S. Alshuth
Fisheries research project expedition chart. Drawing by S. Alshuth
Marine Biological Research Station at Helgoland Island
Marine Biological Research Station at Helgoland Island
Deployment of pelagic trawl to collect 
adult sprat
Deployment of pelagic trawl to collect 
adult sprat
Midwater pelagic trawl deployed to collect pelagic adult sprat
Midwater pelagic trawl deployed to collect pelagic adult sprat
Dr. Alshuth awaiting the pelagic catch: 
Adult sprat population density and reproduction research
Dr. Alshuth awaiting the pelagic catch:
Adult sprat population density and reproduction research
Adult sprat collected with pelagic trawl for reproduction studies
Adult sprat collected with pelagic trawl for reproduction studies
Dr. Alshuth stripping sprat for artificial fertilization of gametes
Dr. Alshuth stripping sprat for artificial fertilization of gametes
Dr. Alshuth transferred artificial fertilized sprat eggs to temperature control research lab - for larval rearing and otolith studies.
Dr. Alshuth transferred artificial fertilized sprat eggs to temperature control research lab - for larval rearing and otolith studies.
MPS - Multiple Plankton Sampler - an opening and closing mid-water zooplankton collector.
MPS - Multiple Plankton Sampler - an opening and closing mid-water zooplankton collector.
The MPS is used to study the vertical distribution of ichthyoplankton
The MPS is used to study the vertical distribution of ichthyoplankton
Dr. Alshuth recording physical oceanographic data
Dr. Alshuth recording physical oceanographic data