The Leeward Antilles, a chain of islands, are located in the southern Caribbean, along the southeastern fringe of the Caribbean Sea offshore northern Venezuela. They are also called the ABC Islands and from west to east include Aruba, Curaçao, and Bonaire. The Leeward Antilles island arc occurs along the deformed southern edge of the Caribbean Plate and was formed by the plate's subduction under the South American Plate -  largely lacking in volcanic activity.

The islands have an atypical hot desert climate, in which there is an excess of evaporation over precipitation. Surfaces on these islands hold little moisture and evaporate the little rainfall they receive. In addition, Guajira-Barranquilla xeric scrub is the most common vegetation on these islands. The islands are very dry as they lie north of the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone and are not exposed to moisture from the northeast trade winds. The ABC islands have a huge variety of wildlife, including flamingoes, four species of sea turtle, and one of the highest coral reef biodiversities in the Caribbean. Dr. Alshuth explored the islands' coral reefs, seasonal changes in oceanographic conditions, non-invasive species and other anthropogenic marine impacts on reef communities.

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Exploring the southern Caribbean's Leeward Antilles - aka the ABC islands.
Exploring the southern Caribbean's Leeward Antilles - aka the ABC islands.
Remnants of the past - shell mountains of Queen Conch at fishing village in Lac Cay, Bonaire - when conch was a delicacy.
Remnants of the past - shell mountains of Queen Conch at fishing village in Lac Cay, Bonaire - when conch was a delicacy.
Aruba's Arikok National Park - includes three primary geological formations: lava, quartz diorite and limestone formations.
Aruba's Arikok National Park - includes three primary geological formations: lava, quartz diorite and limestone formations.
Dr. Alshuth at Aruba's  Natural Bridge - an arch formed naturally out of coral limestone.
Dr. Alshuth at Aruba's Natural Bridge - an arch formed naturally out of coral limestone.
Green Iguana (Iguana iguana), - a large, arboreal, herbivorous lizard - considered an invasive species to the ABC islands.
Green Iguana (Iguana iguana), - a large, arboreal, herbivorous lizard - considered an invasive species to the ABC islands.
Dr. Alshuth exploring the northern shore's Malmok and eastern shore's Blackstone Beach in Aruba.
Dr. Alshuth exploring the northern shore's Malmok and eastern shore's Blackstone Beach in Aruba.
Aruba's limestone caves contain stalactites and stalagmites. At the Fontein cave.
Aruba's limestone caves contain stalactites and stalagmites. At the Fontein cave.
Ayo Rock Formations are monolithic rock boulders located on the island of Aruba in the Caribbean.
Ayo Rock Formations are monolithic rock boulders located on the island of Aruba in the Caribbean.
Aruba's Quadiriki Caves - located at the base of a limestone cliff. They contain Amerindian petroglyphs.
Aruba's Quadiriki Caves - located at the base of a limestone cliff. They contain Amerindian petroglyphs.
Making salt in paradise - Cargill Salt Company in Bonaire.
Making salt in paradise - Cargill Salt Company in Bonaire.
Bonaire's wild side at the east coast.
Bonaire's wild side at the east coast.
Wind farm in Morotin, Bonaire, produces  around 33 % of the island's energy need. - A sustainable Caribbean island.
Wind farm in Morotin, Bonaire, produces around 33 % of the island's energy need. - A sustainable Caribbean island.
Dr. Alshuth taking photos of Bonaire's flamingoes at southern Pekelmeer.
Dr. Alshuth taking photos of Bonaire's flamingoes at southern Pekelmeer.
Bonaire is home to one of only four nesting grounds for the Caribbean flamingo.
Bonaire is home to one of only four nesting grounds for the Caribbean flamingo.
Dr. Alshuth exploring Bonaire's fringing reefs.
Dr. Alshuth exploring Bonaire's fringing reefs.
School of Southern Sennet (Sphyraena picudilla) on deep reef slope.
School of Southern Sennet (Sphyraena picudilla) on deep reef slope.
Dr. Alshuth monitoring the affects of invasive Lionfish species on local reef system.
Dr. Alshuth monitoring the affects of invasive Lionfish species on local reef system.
School of Horse-Eye Jacks (Caranx latus) in offshore surface waters.
School of Horse-Eye Jacks (Caranx latus) in offshore surface waters.
Dr. Alshuth exploring the fringing coral reefs - accessible from the shore along the lee side of the islands.
Dr. Alshuth exploring the fringing coral reefs - accessible from the shore along the lee side of the islands.
French Grunts (Haemulon flavolineatum) - congregate in large schools over Brain Coral.
French Grunts (Haemulon flavolineatum) - congregate in large schools over Brain Coral.
Diversity of scleractinian hard and soft corals near upper reef slope.
Diversity of scleractinian hard and soft corals near upper reef slope.
Many color varieties of anemones thrive at the reef crest and in deeper waters.
Many color varieties of anemones thrive at the reef crest and in deeper waters.
Dr. Alshuth exploring giant tube sponges - habitat and homes for many invertebrates.
Dr. Alshuth exploring giant tube sponges - habitat and homes for many invertebrates.
Banded Butterflyfish (Chaetodon striatus) -  common in the tropical western Atlantic Ocean and usually seen in pairs.
Banded Butterflyfish (Chaetodon striatus) - common in the tropical western Atlantic Ocean and usually seen in pairs.
Frogfish (Antennarius multiocellatus) - can change color to blend in with surroundings.
Frogfish (Antennarius multiocellatus) - can change color to blend in with surroundings.
Documenting the mating of Caribbean Squid in 80 feet water depth.
Documenting the mating of Caribbean Squid in 80 feet water depth.
Black Durgeon (Melichthys niger) - can change color, pale or darken.
Black Durgeon (Melichthys niger) - can change color, pale or darken.
Black & White Crinoid (Nemaster grands) - attached to rope sponge on deep reef slope.
Black & White Crinoid (Nemaster grands) - attached to rope sponge on deep reef slope.
Spotted Cleaner Shrimp (Periclimenes yucatanicus) - associate with anemones.
Spotted Cleaner Shrimp (Periclimenes yucatanicus) - associate with anemones.
Monitoring coral health and anthropogenic impacts on reef communities in southern Caribbean.
Monitoring coral health and anthropogenic impacts on reef communities in southern Caribbean.

